Footpaths, Kerbing, Blockfill


Concrete for footpaths are solutions for today and tomorrow! 

The most innovative, versatile and economical paving solution. When designed and constructed properly, concrete pavements can last over 50 years.


Specialist mix for slipform kerbing machines only.

We provide continuous concrete curbing – an attractive And permanent asset to any landscape. Curbing is economical And durable than any other edging in that it won’t Decompose like wood or move like a brick.

Available from 7.5MPa to 35MPa.

Used for new roading, subdivision projects, driveways, gardens.



This mix will form a tight pack around steel reinforcing rods.

Blockfill concrete is a flowable mix utilised for the filling of cavity walls, inspection holes, gully traps, blocks and difficult in-ground structures.